☘☘☘ Monday December 11 at 19:30 – Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. Vice-President John Bertrand who takes a great interest in vexillogy, the science of flags will give a presentation on the suggested adoption of a flag of his design for Irish Heritage Quebec. This will be followed by the presentation of an appreciative plaque to the playwright Émile Proulx-Cloutier for the production of his well acclaimed Grosse Ïle : 1847. Émile Proulx-Cloutier will discuss the future of his play and field any question on its production and future. There will be a draw for to tickets to a December 2024 presentation of this play at Le Bordée in Quebec City. Friends and members are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404. ☘☘☘