All posts by iradmin

Turmoil in the Community with Steve Cameron

Wednesday, June 12 at 19:30 – Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an event in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry Avenue, Quebec City. Steve Cameron will give a presentation entitled Turmoil in the Community. He will examine the Corrigan Affair of 1855 which exposed the fault line between Orangemen and Ribbonmen in Lotbiniere/Megantic, in addition to having provincial and national repercussions. Steve Cameron, a graduate of Concordia University, has published three books on the history of his locality. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information, please phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404.

Where are the Irish? Ask an Archeologist with William Moss

Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity on Thursday, May 16, in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. William Moss will give a presentation titled Where are the Irish? Ask an archaeologist! Québec City has a particularly rich archaeological heritage. Many rightfully associate this with the Old City World Heritage district but fascinating sites abound elsewhere as well. Though no structured research has been carried out on the topic, a rapid look shows that many of these discoveries can be directly related to the Irish presence in the region over the past two centuries. Following an overview on how archaeological research is carried out in the city, these will be examined to see what types of physical traces have been found. Get ready to see Irish heritage as you have never seen it before!

Photo: Le Soleil

William Moss was the Chief Archaeologist for the City of Québec for over 30 years. He previously worked for Parks Canada and the then-named Ministry of Cultural Affairs. He was an adjunct lecturer at Université Laval and is a past-president of the international Society for Historical Archaeology as well as serving on various scientific committees, notably in relation to world heritage. His contribution to archaeology has warranted him the title of Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, a PhD honoris causa from Université Laval as well as recognition from the Cercle des ambassadeurs de Québec for international conference organization.

Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404.

The Tipperary Settlement: Lac Beaupot and Ste-Brigitte-de-Laval by Gary O’Brien

Monday April 15 at 19:30Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. Gary O’Brien will give a presentation on his ongoing research on the Irish families who settled in Lac Beauport and Ste-Brigitte-de-Laval from the counties Tipperary and Waterford, names such as O’Brien, Heafy and Hurley, Dawson, Bolan, Keough, Stapleton, Tierney and Berryman. Who they were, when and why they came, and where they settled, will be examined. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404.

Irish Heritage Quebec and Le Défilé de la Saint Patrick

Monday March 18 at 19:30Irish Heritage Quebec and Le Défilé de la Saint-Patrick will hold an event in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. Steve Cameron will host an evening entitled The Links: Sound and Stone. This conference introduces various types of Irish sounds (music, singing, speech), including many trilingual elements. It will highlight other strong links between Ireland and Quebec, past and present in various forms. The evening will conclude with a short Gaeilge lesson. All are welcome and admission is free. Friends and members are invited to attend. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The presentation begins starts at 7:30 p.m. Parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404.

Irish Heritage Quebec will participate in the Défilé de la Saint-Patrick de Québec on Saturday March 23, 2024. If you intend to march with us in the parade, please advise Irish Heritage Quebec of your intentions via an email to
Alternatively you can phone in your information to 418-704-3404

The Irish Coves 1851-1901 by Joe Lonergan

☘☘☘ Monday February 12 at 19:30Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. Local historian Joe Lonergan will give a presentation entitled The Irish Coves of Quebec City 1851-1891. Friends and members are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404. ☘☘☘

Notice of the Annual Meeting, January 29

Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of Irish Heritage Quebec will be held on Monday, January 29, 2024 at 19:30 in McMahon Hall, 1145 De Salaberry, Quebec QC G1R 4V7.

The provisional agenda of the meeting is as follows:

1.      Approval of the Agenda

2.      Approval of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting held December 19, 2022

3.      Annual Report for the Year Ending August 31, 2023

4.      Financial Statements for the Year Ending August 31, 2023

5.      Appointment of Accountants

6.      Election of Directors

Dated January 4, 2024

                                                            On behalf of the board of directors

                                                            John Bertrand


December Activity

☘☘☘  Monday December 11 at 19:30 – Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. Vice-President John Bertrand who takes a great interest in vexillogy, the science of flags will give a presentation on the suggested adoption of a flag of his design for Irish Heritage Quebec. This will be followed by the presentation of an appreciative plaque to the playwright Émile Proulx-Cloutier for the production of his well acclaimed Grosse Ïle : 1847. Émile Proulx-Cloutier will discuss the future of his play and field any question on its production and future. There will be a draw for to tickets to a December 2024 presentation of this play at Le Bordée in Quebec City. Friends and members are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404.  ☘☘☘

Grosse Ïle 1847 by Émile Proulx-Cloutier

Many Irish Heritage Quebec members saw the theatre production Grosse Ïle 1847 by Émile Proulx-Cloutier when it came to Quebec City in the autumn of 2022. All gave it favourable reviews. If you missed it, the play is coming back to Quebec City shortly. Please see below.

Théâtre La Bordée logo
Grosse-Île, 1847
(dans les mots de ceux qui l’ont vécu)

REPRISE DE LA PIÈCE EN 2024Après un succès retentissant à l’automne 2022, la pièce Grosse-Île, 1847 (dans les mots de ceux qui l’ont vécu) reviendra à La Bordée pour 10 représentations du 3 au 14 décembre 2024. La production, mise en scène par Émile Proulx-Cloutier, se compose d’une mosaïque d’archives qui nous raconte la tragédie de ces hommes et ces femmes oubliés qui ont fait face à l’inconnu en quittant leur pays.Tout ce qui est dit par les interprètes a été directement puisé dans des archives (journaux, carnets, correspondances intimes ou officielles) datant de 1847. Même si les mots datent d’il y a 175 ans, ils sont livrés avec fébrilité́ et urgence, comme s’ils venaient tout juste d’être écrits. Une incursion dans notre passé, à mille lieues de l’esthétique habituelle d’une pièce historique. En plus de jouer et chanter, les acteurs créent sous nos yeux des effets sonores saisissants à l’aide d’éléments de bruitages simples et organiques.Il s’agit de la même œuvre qui avait été appréciée autant par le public que par les critiques en 2022. Avec Grosse-Île, 1847 (dans les mots de ceux qui l’ont vécu), Émile Proulx-Cloutier se retrouve parmi les finalistes des Prix de la critique de L’Association québécoise des critiques de théâtre, dans la catégorie Meilleure mise en scène.Les billets seront en vente dès 9h le 21 novembre. Les tarifs varient entre 32$ et 45$. Les abonnés de la saison en cours peuvent appeler à la billetterie pour obtenir un tarif préférentiel à 32$.  RÉSERVEZ VOS BILLETS POUR LA REPRISEDANS LES MÉDIAS« La pièce Grosse-Île nous transporte en 1847 et nous permet de mieux comprendre une réalité historique bouleversante où plusieurs parallèles avec notre époque sont indéniables. Un travail colossal pour les textes tirés d’archives et une mise en scène épatante ! Soirée réussie ! » – Mélissa Paquet, TVA« L’une des meilleures pièces de l’automne! L’Humain qui nous parle de ce qu’il a vécu et grâce à ses écrits, on le ressent. Puis, grâce à la mise en scène, on le vit. » – Chloé Patry-Robitaille, FM93« Les comédiens de Grosse-Île, 1847 portent en chœur les puissants mots de tous ceux qui ont été touchés par ces tristes événements et nous plongent dans une crise humaine qui pourrait malheureusement facilement se reproduire aujourd’hui. » – Justine Parent, CKRL« Il (Émile Proulx-Cloutier) a su, par un savant dosage, extraire des archives de cette époque (journaux, carnets, correspondance, etc.), choisir et combiner des textes qui, non seulement, témoignent des faits, mais se suivent et se répondent de telle sorte qu’ils constituent un récit à la fois déchirant et passionnant. » – Hélène Laliberté, Théâtre Québec« L’emballage sonore, créé par Josué Beaucage et Sarah Villeneuve-Desjardins, est inventif et exceptionnel. » – Yves Leclerc, Journal de QuébecCrédit photo : Nicola-Frank Vachon

War; A Personal Experience by Alec Cooper M.D.

Monday November 13 at 19:30 – Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. Retired Major Alec Cooper, MD will give a presentation on his personal experiences of war. Dr. Cooper is a veteran of two wars and a Clinical Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at Laval University. Friends and members are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404.

The Contribution of Québécois Women of Irish Decent

☘☘☘ Monday October 16 at 19:30 – Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. Lorraine O’Donnell will give a presentation entitled The Contribution of Québécois Women of Irish Descent.   A former resident of Quebec City, her research focus is Canadian women’s history and history/heritage projects that involve and help build communities. Lorraine O’Donnell has a Ph.D. in History from McGill and works at the Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network at Concordia University. Friends and members are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404. ☘☘☘