Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity on Thursday, May 16, in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. William Moss will give a presentation titled Where are the Irish? Ask an archaeologist! Québec City has a particularly rich archaeological heritage. Many rightfully associate this with the Old City World Heritage district but fascinating sites abound elsewhere as well. Though no structured research has been carried out on the topic, a rapid look shows that many of these discoveries can be directly related to the Irish presence in the region over the past two centuries. Following an overview on how archaeological research is carried out in the city, these will be examined to see what types of physical traces have been found. Get ready to see Irish heritage as you have never seen it before!
William Moss was the Chief Archaeologist for the City of Québec for over 30 years. He previously worked for Parks Canada and the then-named Ministry of Cultural Affairs. He was an adjunct lecturer at Université Laval and is a past-president of the international Society for Historical Archaeology as well as serving on various scientific committees, notably in relation to world heritage. His contribution to archaeology has warranted him the title of Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, a PhD honoris causa from Université Laval as well as recognition from the Cercle des ambassadeurs de Québec for international conference organization.
Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404.