Category Archives: Annual Meeting

Notice of the Annual Meeting, January 29

Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of Irish Heritage Quebec will be held on Monday, January 29, 2024 at 19:30 in McMahon Hall, 1145 De Salaberry, Quebec QC G1R 4V7.

The provisional agenda of the meeting is as follows:

1.      Approval of the Agenda

2.      Approval of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting held December 19, 2022

3.      Annual Report for the Year Ending August 31, 2023

4.      Financial Statements for the Year Ending August 31, 2023

5.      Appointment of Accountants

6.      Election of Directors

Dated January 4, 2024

                                                            On behalf of the board of directors

                                                            John Bertrand


Annual General Meeting

Monday, Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m. – Irish Heritage Quebec held its Annual General Meeting in McMahon Hall at St. Patrick’s Church, 1145 Ave. De Salaberry. President Bryan O’Gallagher presented the annual report and Secretary/Treasurer John O’Connor gave the financial report. As five of the nine 2 yr mandates on the Board of Directors were due for election, these were filled by John Bertrand, Steve Cameron, Marc Hughes, Joe Lonergan and Anne Spratt. Upon the conclusion of business, refreshments and a festive cake were served. Twenty-five members and friends were in attendance. Parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick were validated.

2018 Annual Meeting

Monday, December 10, 2018 at 19:30 – Irish Heritage Quebec will hold its annual meeting in McMahon Hall, 1145 De Salaberry in Quebec City.  During the evening Irish Heritage Quebec will also honor Eileen Reid Marcil, a renowned researcher and the author of numerous books on shipbuilding and other trades in Quebec City and in Lévis.  Refreshments and a festive cake will be served.  Members and friends are invited to attend.  Admission is free and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated.