All posts by iradmin

Captain Michel Pouliot- a Nautical Heritage

☘☘☘ Monday, January 15. at 7:30 p.m. – Irish Heritage Quebec hold an activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 De Salaberry in Quebec City — Irish Heritage Quebec will receive Captain Michel Pouliot who will present the heritage of the Pouliot family.  He will describe his years at St. Patrick’s School, at the Marine School and at sea.  Michel will also present his experiences as a licensed marine pilot on the St. Lawrence River and comment on the future of the ports on the St. Lawrence River. Members and friends are invited. Come and see the only life preserver from the Titanic left in existence and hear a great raconteur.

Michel Pouliot was born and raised in Quebec City and gained extensive sea experience in the Americas and the West Indies.  He was a licensed marine pilot in the Lower St. Lawrence district from 1965 until his retirement in 2009.  He served as President of the Lower St. Lawrence Pilots’ Association and as President of the Canadian Marine Pilots’ Association.  He is also the only Canadian to have served as President of the International Marine Pilots’ Association. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For further information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404. ☘☘☘

November Presentation

Monday, November 13 at 19:30- Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 De Salaberry.  Marc Durand will give a presentation on Jean Beliveau, the subject of his most recently published book. Copies of his book will be on hand for sale. Members and friends are invited. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information, phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404.

Marc Durand is a local sports announcer who has already published a well-acclaimed book on hockey, La Coupe à Québec: Les Bulldogs et la Naissance du Hockey.

Grosse Île; The Musical

Members in the Montreal area or members who missed it in Quebec City may wish to go see Grosse Île; The Musical, a play by John Halpin, Margaret Forrest and Hubert Radoux based on the tragedy on Grosse Île in 1847. It will be playing at the Oscar Peterson Concert Hall at Concordia University with the support of Concordia’s School of Irish Studies. Evening performances on October 27-28 and November 3-4 will be at 20:00. Afternoon performances on October 29 and November 5 will be at 14:00. 

For more information on tickets click here   

Grosse Île Excursion

Saturday August 5, an Irish Heritage group of twenty-two went on a day excursion to Grosse Île. Joe Lonergan addressed the membership at the great stone cross. From there we to the newer memorial where the names of those who died on the island are etched in glass. Later we took the trolley tour to the lazaretto and finally visited the immigrant reception area. We were thankful that the rain held off until we were in transit back to Berthier-sur-Mer.

Flea Market

Saturday May 13, 9:00 -13:00, Irish Heritage will hold a flea market. Those willing to volunteer to set up for the sale on Friday May 12, to help at the sale or contribute items are asked to contact us. We are interested in books, CDs, LPs, sporting goods, tools, jewelry and pins, small furniture, dishes. kitchenware, purses, suitcases, bags, picture frames and collectibles. All proceeds of the sale will be used for Irish Heritage Quebec activities.

Monday May 8, at 19:30 Gearóid Ó hAllmhuráin will give an illustrated presentation based on ‘Ghost of the Carricks: An Irish Famine Odyssey in Rural Quebec’, a forthcoming documentary film which he produced and directed. The documentary profiles the coffin ship Carricks of Whitehaven that foundered off the Gaspé coast in April 1847.

Professor Gearóid Ó hAllmhuráin, a native of Clare, is an award-winning Irish musician, ethnomusicologist and cultural historian. Formerly Jefferson Smurfit Professor of Irish Studies and Professor of Music at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, he holds the bilingual Johnson Chair in Quebec and Canadian Irish Studies at Concordia University, Montreal. He has performed, broadcast, adjudicated and lectured on Irish music throughout Europe and North America. Funded by the Quebec government, his research focuses on cultural memory and Irish soundscapes in Quebec and Canada since the fall of New France.

Monday April 10 Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. Joe Lonergan will give a presentation entitled From Shamrock to Maple: The Evolution of St. Patrick’s Cadet Corps, Number 208. He will trace the transformation of the unit from one that initially fostered Irish nationalism to one that fostered a developing Canadian identity. Joe Lonergan graduated from St Patrick’s High School, received a B.A. from St. Lawrence College and received a B.Ed and a Master of Arts in History from St. Mary’s University. Now retired from St. Patrick’s High School having worked in education for thirty-five years, he is currently President of Irish Heritage Quebec. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404