☘☘☘ Monday January 14 at 19:30 – Irish Heritage Quebec will hold an activity in McMahon Hall, 1145 de Salaberry in Quebec City. Joe Lonergan will give a presentation entitled St. Patrick’s Church — A History of the Congregation of Catholics of Quebec City speaking the English language and Where They Worshipped. Refreshments will be served and parking stubs for Îlot St-Patrick will be validated. For more information phone Irish Heritage Quebec at 418-704-3404.
Joe Lonergan is a graduate of St Patrick’s High School. He received his B.A. from St. Lawrence College and holds his B.Ed. and M. A. in History from St. Mary’s University. Retired from a thirty-five year career in education at St. Patrick’s High School he currently serves as president of Irish Heritage Quebec.☘☘☘